Living Into Your Dreams

July 11th, 2010

Do you have dreams for yourself and your life? Do you believe in your dreams? Do you truly believe your dreams WILL come true> However you respond to these vital questions, I can help.

You see, I’m living, breathing proof that dreams DO come true. But navigating the path to fulfillment of your dreams isn’t always easy. Truth be told, it’s NEVER simple or straightforward. First, you have to articulate what your dreams are. Then you have to nuture them. You need to persevere against seemingly insurmountable odds–a dilemma we all encounter at some point. And you have to give your dreams a chance to grow.

But if you believe in your dreams–if you believe in YOURSELF–and if you have the faith and courage to follow your heart, then your dreams WILL come true! It happened to me–and it can happen to you, too.

To learn more about my workshops and seminars, and how I can help you and your organization develop a more straightforward roadmap to grow from where you are to where you want to be, please email me, using the contact form on this website.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wisdom from Mark Twain

July 2nd, 2010

The great American author, Mark Twain, wrote:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”


June 30th, 2010

I have just returned from the trip of a lifetime–a TransAtlantic voyage on the Queen Mary II, followed by several days in London, then 10 days in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden. As a traveler, I know the importance of knowing where you are going and how to get there. Having a plan insures that you will do the things you want without missing anything–and it makes the journey a lot more fun!

It’s the same with life–to get what you want, you have to know where you are going.  You need a roadmap to get from where you are now to where you want to be in life–with vision, courage, determination and passion.

Life is a journey…do you know where you’re going to?

Wisdom from Michelle Obama

June 4th, 2010

Today, I would like to share with you some Words of Wisdom that First Lady Michelle Obama recently shared with the graduating class at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff:

“I wish for you the kind of trials that help you discover your life’s work and give you the strength and courage to pursue it. I wish for you a life lived not in response to the doubts or fears or desires of others, but in pursuit of passions, hopes and dreams that are your very own.”

VERY profound words that all of us can learn and benefit from! Mrs. Obama captures my personal and professional philosophy completely.

Life is full of detours and roadblocks–but sometimes we need those speed bumps to discover our life’s purpose.

Are YOU prepared to face the challenges? All it takes is developing a roadmap to get from where you are to where you want to be–with vision, courage, determination and passion!

Wisdom from The Wizard of Oz

May 31st, 2010

I always knew what I wanted. I knew what my dream was. But I let my crazy little fears, self-doubt, and the naysayers hold me back for decades from living into my dreams. What if I failed? What would I say to the people who said, “Told you so!”? What if people laughed at me?  I didn’t believe enough in myself or my dreams to have the courage to take a stand–I was too scared to take the risk.

Today, because I now believe in myself and in my dreams, my life has changed dramatically. I am doing the work I was born to do–and better late than never, I say! I still believe in chasing dreams, because I know that by living into my dreams, I have the chance to make an impact on people’s lives. And I know that if I can make a difference in even just 1 person’s life, then I will have changed the world.

It’s just like in The Wizard of Oz –when you know your mind…when you know your heart…when you know your courage…when you know yourself–you CAN change the world. You CAN make a difference.

Watch Tom on “Faces & Places”

May 27th, 2010

Thursday, May 27  at 8 PM, I will be the guest on “Faces & Places with Zabelle D’Amico,” on HCTV-11, in Holden. The 30-minute interview focuses on my work as a pop music historian, and the cultural and social significance of Motown in the ’60s; as well as my work as a motivational speaker and life coach.The program also airs on May 28 @ 3 & 9 PM; May 29 & 30 @ noon; and May 31 @ 7 AM.

As soon as the program is available for viewing on the station’s website, I will post the link, for those who do not have access to HCTV-11.

It’s Never Easy

May 24th, 2010

I know–you are sitting there saying who IS this guy–and what can he say that will impact my life?”

Well, I am living, breathing proof that you CAN make your dreams come true. It’s not always easy reaching for your dreams. In fact, it’s NEVER easy! True dreams don’t just fall into your lap. You have to nurture them. You have to persevere against sometimes seemingly insurmountable odds. You have to work hard to give voice to your dreams. However, if you believe in your dreams–if you believe in yourself–and if you have the faith and courage to follow your heart, then you WILL achieve your heart’s desire–with vision, courage, determination and passion.

I am not a superhero–I’m just an ordinary guy. But my life–which has the ring of a beautiful fairy tale to it–proves that even the most ordinary people–even someone who thought he was nobody (ME!!)–can accomplish extraordinary things All you have to do is believe in yourself, know what you want–and how to get it. In doing so, each one of us has the power–and the obligation–to make a difference in the world.

It happened to me–and it can happen to you, too!


May 7th, 2010

I received this testimonial following a Visioning Seminar I recently presented:

“I really enjoyed your seminar today. I felt very inspired to look at the big picture. It’s easy to get in a comfortable rut and miss the opportunities to grow and truly find fulfillment in life. You provided all of us with that boost of positive energy and encouragement we need. You helped me to listen and learn what my heart has been telling me.”

Have the courage to follow your heart

April 19th, 2010

If something speaks to your heart, don’t hold back–make it happen. Step out on faith–and I mean deep-water faith. Have the courage to follow your heart. Your heart will never steer you in the wrong direction. You will find your dream in that place where your mind meets your heart and your soul.

Upcoming TV Interview

April 5th, 2010

I am taping an interview for “Faces & Places with Zabelle D’Amico” on HCTV-11, at 10 AM on Thursday, April 8. I will post air dates as soon as they are confirmed.